As an intern from Gulliver Expedition which is actually a tour operator in Quito it is possible to go on several trips they offer. I took the chance by
heart that we had a 3-days weekend because of the Indepence Day of the biggest
city in Ecuador Guayaquil. If I haven’t had to leave my passport in the General
Office of Migration I could have gone by plane to some jungle or beachtrip.
Never mind, I took the first bus to Mindo on Friday. The trip was like this:

And my neighbor had to eat some of them cheese things with some hot sauce which was in a tiny little pot. Of course this guy has to drop this thing exactly on my backpack and pants. Thank you!
Finally I arrived in Mindo, bought a ticket for las cascadas
and went from hostel to hostel to find an available room. In the Caffekasku I
liked it the most so I wanted to spend my night here. Cheap and quite cozy,
nice people and good fresh juice. There I met some people who just finished their biking tour from Nono to Mindo.
Soon I was on my way to the waterfalls. Because of the
holidays there were so many people I had to wait like 45 min, but the nice guy
took me a bit earlier because I was travelling alone. The view out of the cage
was stunning and was looking forward to hike and take a swim. The first
waterfall was only 15min of a hurrying walk with a family from Quito. It was
quite nice to see but as expected this one was absolutely crowded. On the other
side there was a another way down to some more waterfalls, they were much nicer
and it was so refreshing to take the swim in the clear water.
After this super
hike I went to the chocolate tour as everyone else and enjoyed – altough I’m
Swiss and always surrounded by delicious swiss chocolate – the still warm and
melting brownie, not for the last time this weekend.
Actually I wanted to go for a shower and then maybe have a
drink somewhere. On my way back I passed a bar in the centre and I guess each
habitant of Mindo was here to see the soccer game between Ecuador and Urugay
which was actually the entering game for the World Cup Qualifying. There I met
a young couple from Irland – they know how to party – and a guy from
Switzerland, that incidentally used to live in the same street back home in
Switzerland as I do.
Traditional dinner, a special
kind of openair cinema and those funny people made this trip unforgettable –
even without canopying. It’s a unique experience to travel by yourself. Enjoy!
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